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    Alma Connor

    by Harold Robbins

    Stiletto · READ MORE

    • First published: August 1, 1981
    • Author: Harold Robbins
    • Genres: fiction, thriller, romance, novels, mystery, contemporary, crime
    • Release date: January 1, 1999
    • Publisher: Signet
    • ISBN: 9780451197436 (0451197437)
    • Format: paperback, 320 pages
    • Language: english

    About The Book

    The story of this steamy novel centers on an amoral young Italian aristocrat with a penchant for violence who owes his extravagant lifestyle to the favors of a mafia overlord. So when he is asked to silence four witnesses due to testify against the mob, the aristocrat is more than happy to comply in a most brutal manner. Only he did not figure on a special agent — one who helped build the mountain of evidence against the organization — entering into a lethal game of cat-and-mouse with him. And the special agent is the only one who realizes that it is not loyalty, or honor, or debt that drive the young man to murder — but the thrill of the kill!

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