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    Achrijoli Young

    John 3

    by Nancy Moser

    🔰 John 3 – CLICK HERE 🔰

    • Release date: September 23, 2008
    • ISBN: 9781414320540 (141432054X)
    • Author: Nancy Moser
    • Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers
    • Format: paperback, 410 pages
    • Genres: fiction, christian, inspirational
    • Language: english

    About The Book

    Five people looking for a reason to keep living are about to find it in the last place they expected. After the loss of his wife, Roman Paulson’s life revolves around his son Billy. As a football hero at the University of Nebraska, Billy has a promising life ahead of him. As Billy’s coach begins encroaching on Roman’s relationship with his son — especially when he brings God into Billy’s life — Roman starts to fear he’ll lose Billy forever. Nothing could prepare Roman for what is about to happen. Roman isn’t the only one whose life has been turned upside down. He’s one of five people whose lives are about to intersect on a bright, fall day, when one of them will hold up a sign at a football game with a short message: « John 3:16. » This simple act of faith will have the power to change lives forever.

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