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  • #19786 Répondre
    Ginger Carter

    Murder in the Madhouse
    (Bill Crane, #1)
    by Jonathan Latimer

    🔗 Murder in the Madhouse · READ MORE 🔗

    • Language: english
    • Publisher: International Polygonics
    • Author: Jonathan Latimer
    • Series: Bill Crane, #1
    • Format: paperback, 313 pages
    • Release date: November 1989
    • Genres: mystery, noir, fiction
    • ISBN: 9781558820234 (155882023X)

    About The Book

    In his first case, William Crane goes undercover in a private sanatorium to solve a theft, and makes no secret of the fact that he believes himself to be a great detective, even presenting himself as Edgar Allan Poe’s C. Auguste Dupin.

    Indeed, he manages to dazzle the picaresque staff with his feats of deductive reasoning while consuming alcohol, including martinis and absinthe, in such copious quantities the plot almost feels like filler for a cocktail menu. It comes as some surprise that he is able to stand upright, let alone perform feats of detection that would put more famous literary detectives to shame. But perform he does, and with the greatest aplomb!

    Paperback book Murder in the Madhouse Jonathan Latimer Mac on Bookshop. MOBI Murder in the Madhouse read online. FB2 ebook Murder in the Madhouse buy cheap. MP3 Murder in the Madhouse by Jonathan Latimer download on PocketBook on IndieBound.

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