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  • #19960 Répondre
    Andie Henkel

    How the Religious Right is Hijacking Our Declaration of Independence

    by Alan M. Dershowitz

    🔥 Blasphemy · Read More 🔥

    • Publisher: Wiley
    • Author: Alan M. Dershowitz
    • Release date: June 1, 2007
    • Format: hardcover, 208 pages
    • Genres: politics, religion, history, atheism, philosophy
    • Language: english
    • ISBN: 9780470084557 (0470084553)

    About The Book

    In Blasphemy: How the Religious Right is Hijacking the Declaration of Independence, author Alan Dershowitz proves that no relation exists between the Declaration of Independence’s “Creator and “Nature’s God,” on the one hand, and the Judeo-Christian God of the Old and New Testaments, on the other hand. Learn about the religious right’s goal to Christianize America by using the Declaration of Independence and arguing that this document proves that the United States was founded on Biblical law. Understand everything from the argument to the documentation that Dershowitz uses to disprove this historical distortion.

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    #20127 Répondre

    Wildflowers of Mount Rainer | Laird R. Blackwell | 9781551052304

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